Started on the vertical stabilizer

Spent about 3 hours today going through the first steps in building the vertical stabilizer. The step by step instructions and the diagrams are excellent, it is very clear and easy to follow. I started by final-drilling the forward spar doubler, trimming the bottom of the spar, trimming the doubler, deburring the doubler and the bottom of the spar. Then dimpling the spar and the doubler plate. I held off on riveting, as I want to prime those parts first. Then I started on the aft spar; final drilling the rudder hinge brackets, and clecoing the doubler and brackets together. But before I could cleco these parts I needed to straighten the doubler which was bowed to the point that each end sat about 1.5 inches off the work bench. It took much trial and error to straighten, but ended up with within the 1/16 tolerance.