Squeezed Vertical Stabilizer rivets

Tonight I received my adjustable set for the pneumatic squeezer, along with some scrap aluminum. I spent an hour drilling, counter-sinking and riveting some practice pieces, and documenting the settings needed for each length rivet. Then I re-squeezed all of the rivets on the VS spars and ribs, and they all came out great. The hardest three rivets are where the root ribs meet the front spar. There isn’t much room, and the ribs aren’t square to the spar. I had to switch to my rivet gun with a double offset piece to finally get those done.

With the rivets done, I can finally complete the Vertical Stabilizer. I clecoed the frame to one side of the skin in preparation for riveting. But it’s a bit late in the evening now to start riveting. I’ll try to knock it out tomorrow.

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