Primed Rudder Parts

I primed all of the rudder components today, starting with cleaning, then etching, then priming. Because it takes a while, and parts of it are time sensitive, it’s easier to do on a weekend day than in the late evening during the week. The job was much easier the second time through, and I was really happy with the end result. I have a nice light but complete coating on all parts except the skins. I decided not to paint the skins, because every part that touches the skins will be primed. If I end up scratching the skins, I may prime parts of them later. I am clear to start construction of the rudder frame now.

With the painting done, I squeezed a couple more rivets in the Vertical Stabilizer. Unfortunately one ended up sitting a bit proud of the skin, so I had to drill it out. It turned out to be a real pain, but eventually I got it out, without enlarging the hole.

I going to have to buck the last remaining rivets in the back of the Vertical Stabilizer skin, as I just can’t get a squeezer in to a few spots due the universal head rivets that hold the doubler to the spar.