Finished Rudder

My work schedule picked up a little in the last week, and I haven’t been able to make much progress. After a few sessions of bending and forming, I was able to cleco the bottom section of the rudder leading edge, and tonight I riveted all 3 leading edge sections. In the middle of the bottom section I had difficulty getting the holes to line up enough to get the fine tolerance pop rivets in. I made a tool to help support the skins from behind while I worked to align the holes and get the rivets in. This worked out quite well in the end, although the whole process took much longer than I had anticipated.

Clecoed and ready to rivet:

The tool:

Part way through:

The finished product:

With the rudder done, I had to get a picture with it next to Vertical Stabilizer. Once I have the aft fuselage done, I’ll be revisiting these parts and fitting them together.

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