Storing Parts

I built a rack to store the VS and Rudder out of the way while I continue working on the other parts. I managed to find a good spot up high, with (just) enough room to maneuver the parts. I may need to add some padding and some kind of earth-quake safety strap, although I think they are quite secure as-is.

With these tucked away safely, i took the opportunity to tidy up the garage. Then I opened up the crate and pulled out the spars for the Horizontal Stabilizer. These things are long! Here are all the parts for the Horizontal Stabilizer, except the skins which are stashed away safely in the back of a cupboard.

Step 1 was to finish straighten up the spar doublers, which I was able to do easily enough. I peeled the vinyl off the rear spar and doubler in preparation for deburring, then final/match drilling.