Finished deburring, prep for drilling

Tonight I finished up the deburring on the forward spar, and touched up a few other parts. It’s not really “finished” deburring, since I will need to drill a bunch of holes and debur them, but I completed all the edge deburring for all parts. I then spent some time reading ahead and setting up to start drilling the rear spar tomorrow. The first steps include final drilling the spar doubler, and final drilling the hinge attachments. These hinges are where the elevators will attach, much like how the Rudder attaches to the Vertical Stabilizer.

One thought on “Finished deburring, prep for drilling

  1. Good to see you are getting on with the horizontal stabiliser I thought of you when I had to dimple a piece of stainless steel, a strap for the new hot water cylinder in Katherine.

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