Riveted front spar and stringers

I was able to spend some time last night and today getting the front spar riveted, then the in-spar ribs and stringers. I was happy with my riveting, although I did end up drilling a couple where the bucking bar slipped and malformed the shop head. By the end of the day I think I’d set about 300 rivets, with about the same number to go to finish the Horizontal Stabilizer. This has been very good riveting practice, I’m definitely producing more consistently good rivets, and I’m moving much faster. Most of the remaining rivets are around the edges and for the most part, can be squeezed. I’ll probably squeeze them, because it’s faster and quieter, which helps when it’s late at night.

The black scuff marks in this picture are from black electrical tape on the bucking bar, rubbing on the spar and ribs. The tape is to stop the bar from scratching the aluminum.

Slowly the clecos are coming out and the rivets are going in. Each time I lift and turn the whole assembly, it’s noticeable how much lighter it’s getting. Clecos are much heavier than rivets!

One thought on “Riveted front spar and stringers

  1. Very impressive Neal, you seem to be making good progress. Looking forward to seeing it in March.

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