Finished Horizontal Stabilizer

After work, and before kids went to bed, I spent about half an hour setting the last 10 rivets in the Horizontal Stabilizer. I had to use a double offset set to get clearance, but it went easily enough. The small rib flanges needed some finessing to get them to line up, but eventually everything came together no problems. Here’s one side, the rivets in question are the 5 in a row closest to the lightening hole.

The black marks on and around the rivet heads are from the electrical tape I’m using on the bucking bar to prevent scratching.

Now that it’s finished, I need to put it somewhere so I can start working on the Elevators. I already have a plan, and tonight I installed hooks and eyelets as a first step, can you guess where it’s going?

One thought on “Finished Horizontal Stabilizer

  1. Bit of a milestone Neal, by the time you get the elevators etc finished you will be well on the way to completion.
    Sounds like you will have most of the pieces of the completed aircraft when we arrive in March

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