Assembling Left Elevator

Well, I wrecked my first part tonight. I’m sure it won’t be the last, but it was a really dumb mistake. Nevertheless, I did make progress, clecoing together the left elevator, and then match drilling the forward half of the trim tab hinge.

First I used a step drill to enlarge a couple of holes on the left forward spar. These are for routing cables for the elevator trim servo. The servo sits inside the left elevator, right behind this spar, and has a push rod that actuates the elevator trim tab. I used the drill press and practiced with the step drill on a piece of scrap. It’s easy enough to use, and the holes came out looking pretty good.

I clecoed the forward spar to bottom skins

Then came the mistake. The plans call for the right rear spar to be trimmed, which is easy enough, except I trimmed the wrong end! Unfortunately there’s no way to fix this, and I need to order a new part from Vans. I trimmed this end:

But I should have trimmed this end:

Moving on, I proceeded with the left elevator. Here it is clecoed up to the bottom skin. You can see the two cut-outs, one for the trim tab in the trailing edge, and one for the servo access plate that will screw into some nut plates that are mounted on the doubler.

Now the drilling starts. The forward half of the piano hinge that holds the trim tab is match drilled to the holes in the rear spar (top flange). First, pilot holes are drilled in both the forward and aft sections of the hinge. Then the hinge is separated, and the forward half pilot hole is clecoed to the elevator spar flange. Then all the remaining holes are match drilled. I worked slowly and carefully to ensure the hinge stayed parallel with the spar. Here’s the finished step:

2 thoughts on “Assembling Left Elevator

  1. That’s a bummer Neal but as you say I guess it won’t be the last mistake.
    Hope it’s not too expensive and it won’t hold you up.

    1. Ordered a new part, $15. Shipping will be more than the part itself! Continuing to make progress on the left elevator while waiting.

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