More deburring

Last night and tonight I spent several hours deburring the left and right elevator parts.

To finish up the left elevator deburring, I used my vixen file to clean up the edges of the spars, then used some scotch brite on the holes, and around the ends.

Then it was onto the skins again, both right and left elevators. For the skins I’m just using the edge deburring tool to knock off the edge burrs and at times my small files to clean up corners.

And then back to the ribs and spars for the right elevator, for which I followed the same process.

At this point I have a few pieces left to debur; right elevator skin, right elevator rear spar, spar doublers, the trim tab actuator arm, the right elevator tip ribs, and right counterweight skin.

My goal is to have everything ready so I can prime this weekend.