
I countersunk the trim tab trailing edge wedge, and the trim tab spar, then dimpled the bottom side of the trim tab spar.

I was able to quickly complete the trailing edge wedge countersinking tonight, since I set up the drill press last night.

With that done, I switched countersinks and calibrated it back to a depth of 0.007 inches below flush. Then I spent some time figuring out the best way to countersink the trim tab spar. I ended up drilling a series of holes along an edge of particle board, so that the clecos could sit inside, slowing the spar to sit flush on the board. It also helped to lock the spar in position. It was then easy to countersink, with great results.

Then I dimpled the bottom flange of the trim tab spar. But before I could do that I needed to find my narrow diameter male and female dimple set. I knew I had them yesterday, but just couldn’t find them anywhere. Eventually I decided to check the trash bin, and sure enough I found the male dimple die in amongst some old rags! Digging deeper I found the female die. I need to take care not to do stupid things like throwing away my expensive tools 🙂