Left rear spar top flange rivets, and trim tab trailing edge

After a quick work trip over the last two days, I was able to complete a couple of steps today. I riveted the left top skin to the rear flange, and finished the trim tab. The trim tab is actually the first piece that I’ve built that is completely finished. All the other parts have Fiberglass fairings to shape before they are ready to fly.

The spar flange rivets were done in two steps. I squeezed the rivets holding the skin and hinge to the spar, then bucked the remaining rivets. I was happy with the results, although I need to touch up some sprint on the rear spar due to bucking bar scratches. I spent some time setting up and clamping the pieces, including shimming the ribs to avoid anything bending.

Then I went back to the trim tab. I started by squeezing the trailing edge rivets slightly, and checking for twist. Then I double-flush riveted the rivets, jumping around to avoid building in a twist. I was happy with the result, but learned a lesson to apply tape to the edge of the back riveting plate. I ended up scuffing the skin slightly, which is a bit annoying. The edges turned out near perfect, straight as an arrow. The foam ribs could have been sanded down slightly, as there is a subtle bulge in the skin in their locations.

With that done, I pop riveted the close out tabs and then stashed this piece in the cupboard.

One thought on “Left rear spar top flange rivets, and trim tab trailing edge

  1. Must be very satisfying to finish something that is ready to fly.
    You must have an interesting collection of parts almost ready for assembly.

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