Riveting side skins

I started riveting the side skins, below the longerons. I started with the bulkheads, and worked down the sides. I got through the upper j-channels, meaning about half way through this step. Hoping to finish riveting (at least as much as I can do myself) this week, so I can move on to the aft deck.

It was good to have a helper today! She did a good job putting rivets in holes, getting ready to rivet. I find I can move much faster if I pre-populate the rivet holes with a rivet and a little bit of rivet tape to hold them in place.

I like to use a piece of tape on the head of the swivel head. This helps it grip, minimizing the chance of a slip.

Happy with how these rivets worked out. I can’t directly observe the shop head of the j-channel rivets while riveting. But it’s good to have the solid edge of the j-channel to brace against.

Tape on the swivel head. Using the reflection in the skin to keep the gun aligned.
Putting rivets in holes ready to rivet, and securing with a small piece of tape
A finished row of rivets. Happy with how it worked out.