Quickbuild Wings and Fuse arrive

Today was a big day! My Quickbuild fuselage and wing kits arrived! I decided to use Stewart Trucking to have it delivered, rather than having it crates and shipped. I’m glad I did, as the whole process was easy and painless. Mike the driver was excellent to work with, and we had the wings and then fuselage down in no time.

Factory Five shipping truck

The most difficult part of unloading was getting the wings down onto the back of the truck. Mike has 6 pairs of wings, and 5 fuselages in the truck, and my wings were loaded on a rack near the top of the truck. It was slightly awkward getting the wings down, mostly due to the greasy film on the wing surfaces, which is applied to avoid any possible corruption while skipping. Holding a slippery wing over my head, and then trying to lower it down was a bit nerve-wracking, but not very hard. Then we carefully wheeled the cart into the garage.

Full load of airplanes! 6 pairs of wings and 5 fuselages

With the wings off, Mike used the crane to hoist the fuse up, lift it back and out of the truck. With my dolly parked behind the truck, he easily dropped it into position. Weighing in at 600 pounds, we were careful to put it in the middle, and where I wanted it. then it was up into the garage, no problem.

Crane lowering the fuse down onto the dolly. Mike was an expert
Fuse on the dolly
Safely inside the garage, tight, but everything fits with a little room to spare

I spent the evening unpacking the plane, and inspecting as best I could. I didn’t see any problems, but I will be doing a through inspection of every step to ensure there are no mistakes. For tonight I was happy to just get the fuse emptied of the various boxes and parts.

Starting the inventory step