Dimpled skins

With my benches on wheels, I was able to move them apart and install some lengths of 2×4. These can support the DRDT-2 between the two benches, creating a more convenient area to dimple larger skins. My Dad first suggested this earlier in the year, and I’ve since seen several build logs where this has been done.

DRDT-2 supported by 2×4 between two benches. Note the wheels installed yesterday
Close up of DRDT-2 on 2×4
Dimpling the top skin

With the dimpled in place between the benches, I went to work dimpling parts. Starting with the top skin and components that mount to if (j-channel, doubler and a rivet), then moving onto the top side skins. It took some moving of benches to get at all the holes, but the second one went faster than the first.

Dimpling the right top side skin
Dimpling the top side skins required a decent amount of shifting benches around and changing dimple dies. The curvature of the skin, coupled with it’s length made it challenging at times.

My helper! She loves to come and see what I’m doing and help any way she can.

With the skins all dimpled, I clecoed the left top side skin into position for riveting. I plan to back-rivet as much as I can, and will do some research first to see what others have done before I begin.

Left top side skin dimpled and clecoed in position.
Left top side skin clecoed in position