Finishing Aft Fuse

Today I officially finished section 10, the aft fuselage. With the empennage attachment finished, I completed the final step in section 10, riveting the forward bulkhead to the top skin rib.

I positioned the aft fuse on my work benches, and rolled it onto it’s side. By lying down inside the fuse, I was able to rivet 2/3 of the rivets using my new “main squeeze” hand rivet squeezer. The last rivet needed to be bucked as it was too tight against the skin, and the rib. Using a double off-set in my rivet gun I bucked it. Not my best rivet, but good enough.

Then I completed the aft fuse by screwing on the inspection port covers on the aft end. After I located the correct set of 16 screws, I had a frustrating time with a couple of the nutplates, where the screw wouldn’t sit squarely in the hole and wouldn’t engage with the nutplate. Withou the covers in place I was able to get the screws in, and that seemed to fix the issue. Covers are now installed.