Garage Clean-up

The last week has been busy, and my time in the garage has been spent cleaning up and reorganizing. I picked up a small tool cart that I can wheel around the garage to keep tools where I need them, without getting them scattered around the place. The cleanup was long overdue, and make me feel more organized.

I also spent time reading and researching the wings, and going through the chapters covered by the Quick Builders.

The first parts of the wing kit I will be working on are the landing lights, at least the housing and covers for the lights. These are located at the ends of the wings, and were obscured by my wing stand. To work around the issue, I modified my wing stand by building another carpet strap just inboard of the existing one. It was slightly challenging as the wings were in the way, and I didn’t want to lift them out of the cradle. I worked around that, and they came out ok.