Leak tested right tank, primed bottom skins

Two days ago I set up a tank test on the right wing tank. This time I carefully checked the tank fittings to ensure I had the correct amount of torque. I pumped a little pressure into the tank and left it for a couple of days. The water level in the manometer has tracked the temperature changes very closely, and I’m sure the tank is not leaking.

Tonight I primed the bottom skins for both wings. I have other parts ready to prime too, but I’m out of bench space, so will save that for tomorrow. It’s easy when only priming gone side of the parts, especially when they are flat and rectangular.

Tank holding pressure. Water level rose 1.4 inches (0.7 x 2) with a 1.7 degree increase in temp. More importantly, the water level was the same the next day, at the same temp and pressure.
Etching one of the bottom wing skins

Priming the bottom wing skins