Access panel

I took another pass through the plans looking for any jobs I missed on the wings, before I start closing them up. I came across the access panel in the forward skin of the left wing. This is to allow access to the stall warning system, (which I’m not planning to install). I have been thinking that this would be a great location for a camera. I’d like to have a camera that can see in front of the airplane, as there are some blind spots when taxing, and during takeoff and landing. Anyway, that can wait, for now I just need to install the access panel itself.

I deburred and dimpled the doubler plate and the access panel, then primed the doubler plate. Then I deburred and dimpled the rivet holes in the bottom skin. Once the primer is dry I can finish the job by attaching nutplates to the doubler, and then riveting the doubler to the wing.

Doubler and access panel (the panel is in the background and appears smaller than it really is)