
Tonight the dryer stopped working, so instead of working on the left wing j-channel, I spent time troubleshooting the dryer. Turned out to be a blown thermo fuse, so I ordered a new one and spent an hour cleaning lint out of the dryer and the vents.

I spent 30 minutes or so on the airplane; I drilled out a rivet that was causing an alignment issue, and pop riveted the last two holes on the gap seals.

The rivet was one of the Quick Build rivets, in the second to last rib from the outboard end of the right wing, where it joins the rib and the wing spar flange. It appears that when setting the rivet, the rib moved out of position slightly, and it was never corrected. The vacant hole above the set rivet was not aligned, and not fixed. The spar flange hole appears to have been countersunk sometime afterwards, and due to the alignment problem, the countersink is elongated slightly. I emailed Vans some pictures and concurred with my plan to drill out the rivet, reset it, and use a doubler as an extra precaution.

The misaligned hole is above the blue tape
Misalignment seen from the inside
Rivet drilled and holes correctly aligned

I will make up a doubler plate for the inside as my next step, then rivet this when I put the bottom skin on.

Then I set the two cherrymax rivets. I used 4-02 rivets, per the specification. This came out looking nice.

Cherrymax rivet in the middle of the picture
Shop head of the cherrymax, just above the scratch mark in the picture