Section 29 and 35

I finished reviewing all of the Quickbuild sections today. I didn’t find anything wrong, just some missing torque seal on a couple of bolts under the roll bar bottom bracket. I noted it down and will torque and seal them

I installed a couple of extra shop lights in the garage to improve the lighting situation. It’s already excellent, but I had the extra lights and there were a couple of slightly darker spots. Now it’s very bright!

The next step is installing the cabin air vents, so I found the parts, and then ordered a few things I needed. Vans doesn’t sell the plastic ball vents anymore, so I bought the aluminum vents instead. They are apparently far superior, with a better seal. They are $140 each, so I’m expecting them to be great! I also ordered some more silicone adhesive, my existing tube is old and has gone off.

2 thoughts on “Section 29 and 35

  1. Neal be very fussy in choosing the tube of silicone and try not to use it on or next to a surface that is going to be painted

  2. Yep. I’m using a product that others have used with no corrosive acids. It will be tricky to avoid getting it on a surface that I intend to paint…

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