Seat belt lugs

Last night I decided to build a small table to support a back riveting plate, so I could try to back-rivet the #30 rivets holding the seatbelt lugs to the top skin. I found some scrap plywood and 2×4, and with some trial and error made a little table.

Backriveting table

Tonight I tried it out, and was able to quickly and easily backrivet both lugs… except for the inner-most rivets on each side. They are too close to the bulkhead, and with the skin angles, I couldn’t get my backrivet set onto the rivet head. So I decided to buck those with the gun and bar, and it went fine. The problem is, I damaged the next rivet over in the process. These rivets are all close together, and I just wasn’t thinking. I ended up repeating the mistake on the other side before realizing what I had done. So, now I am going to remove one of the rivets on each side and redo them. It sucks trying to remove these fully-installed rivets, because it’s hard to get a grip on the now mangled shop heads.

I’m going to call it quits for tonight and try to get these tomorrow.

Happy with the rivets here
Notice the now mangled head on the 2nd from right hand rivet. Gahh!

2 thoughts on “Seat belt lugs

  1. 1 out of 10 for the table Neal I guess the lean is on purpose
    At least it’s only two rivets that you have to replace

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