
Tonight I did some back riveting using a couple of tables I made the other day. I decided to back rivet the side skins, and probably as many rivets as I can, on the fuselage join. The main reason for back riveting these rivets is that access is very hard (not impossible) for bucking them by myself. The second reason is that back-riveting results is a nice flush finish where the skins come together. I found that the rivets closest to the bulkhead can’t be back-riveted due to the bulkhead interference with the gun, so I buck those last 4 on each side.

The tables for back-riveting. I can stack these and adjust the feet to get the right height and angle

Progress was very slow as I decided to rivet these in small batches. Lots of adjusting and fiddling to get everything on just the right angle. But it was time well spent as they all came out looking good.

Back-riveted the rivets circled in blue, except the 4 closest to the bulkhead on the left side of the picture

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