Drilled j-channel

On the right wing, I match drilled the three holes into the j-channel stiffeners on the bottom skin. These three holes are where the two lengths of channel overlap, and they need match drilling.

Nothing much to report, I had to install and remove the skin to mark the hole positions, and didn’t encounter any issues.

Once the holes were drilled, I deburred and dimpled them.

Right wing wiring

I spent time securing the right wing wiring today. Zip ties along the length, and some RTV in some places to help secure everything and keep it from rattling around in places where the wiring bundle was loose within the snap-bushings.

Autopilot roll servo

Today I installed the autopilot roll servo. Having done this on the previous set of wings, this went quickly. I also installed the bell crank, the adel clamps, and torqued all the bolts.

Installed and wired up
Install finished except for wiring tidy up.

Right wing systems and spare wiring

Today I spent time running the wiring harnesses through the right wing, and installing the spare wiring molex connector bracket. This is my own (Vans approved) modification to make it easier to add more electrical devices in the future.

Riveting on the spare wiring bracket. Look at that grey hair
Bracket installed
Autopilot roll servo wiring

New dog

It’s been a month without work on the plane, partly due to work travel, but mainly because we brought home a puppy, Bruno, and he has been requiring my help in the evenings.

Now he is sleeping in his crate all night, so I can get some time back in the garage.

Right wing fuel tank test

I pulled off the right wing fuel tank, installed the fuel sender and other fittings, and then leak tested the tank. I wasn’t able to find any leaks using the soap and water technique, so I reinstalled the tank back on the wing.

Ready to start the leak test