Firewall fittings

Tonight I used proseal to install several fittings on the firewall. I installed the two brake line flange fittings, the brake reservoir, and the fuel line fitting.

I mixed up the smallest batch of proseal I could find, which was still far more than I needed. I don’t have a way to store proseal, so it’s annoying to have to waste so much.

The hardest part was getting the brake flange fittings into position. Because I drilled holes for the rivets, and because the stainless steel is so hard, there was some careful work needed to ensure the holes lined up with the flange holes. This was the time to test the fit, so I installed the 6 rivets, taped them into position, then placed the flange in place to check the fit. Then I applied proseal and reinstalled, taping everything into position. It all came out well, but I also realized I’ll need a helper to set these rivets once the proseal is dry.

Fuel line fitting clocked to 5 degrees
Brake reservoir installed
Inside view of brake line fitting… behind all that tape
Tape holding the rivets in position while the proseal hardens