Paint Prep

Tonight I cleaned the cockpit with rubbing alcohol, and rotated the fuselage upside down in preparation for paint.

I have some new paint that arrived, smoke grey color, which will be used to coat the cockpit. I want to tune up my paint system before I start on the cockpit, so I will start by painting the rudder peddles.

Paint prep

Tonight I finished masking up the cockpit in preparation for painting. I used dowels in the nutplates to hopefully prevent any paint from fouling up the threads.

The area will need a final clean up with alcohol before I can start spraying.

Cockpit masked up. A combination of cardboard, paper, and dowels were needed for prep
Close-up on the dowels in nutplates

Finished baggage area

Today at lunchtime I quickly finished setting the final rivets in the baggage area, completing the chapter. Next I will be painting the cockpit, and then installing the brakes and rudder pedals.

Baggage area finished. Floors, flap motor channel, flap motor mounts, and side walls all installed.

Baggage Compartment

Yesterday I was able to install the flap motor channel and flap motor brackets, and today I installed the baggage compartment side walls. Actually, I didn’t quite finish; there are some rivets I will need to buck tomorrow to wrap up. It is too late in the evening to start riveting.

The pop riveting is so fast, it’s really amazing how quickly and easily it all comes together. I wouldn’t attempt this without a pneumatic squeezer though, it would be painful to manually set these hundreds of rivets. I made extensive use of the “wedge tool”. I found it very useful to have a piece of tape on the little wedge so I could tape it into the correct orientation before setting the rivet.

Flap motor channel installed. 4 rivets at the bottom need to be bucked
Motor mounts riveted into position
Baggage side walls clecoed into place
Riveting the side panels into place
Where it stands at the end of the day. Clecos on the left indicate rivets that need bucking. Note the clecos on the right at the bottom of the flap motor channel, also need bucking