Canopy trim

Over the course of the last week I have been making progress on fitting the canopy to the canopy frame. I marked out the amount that needed to be trimmed from the aft edge and then cut it using a jigsaw with a diamond blade. The blade melted it’s way through the canopy without any problems. With the cutting done I scraped the edge with a thin piece of metal to smooth out and round the edges.

Took for marking a uniform edge distance for making the cut. This measures from the aft side of the roll bar

2 thoughts on “Canopy trim

  1. Good to see that you’re back up to date with your blog
    Will you be able to finish the top of the canopy frame where the two fans are before permanently fitting the canopy

    1. Yes, those fans are installed towards the end of the chapter. Next step is a little more shaping of the canopy up front, then drilling. After that, the canopy fairing, and then installing seals, fans, micro switches etc

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