Finished canopy drilling

Tonight I finished drilling holes in the canopy, and then final-sized all of the holes to #27,

I only had one scary moment, when for some reason one of the pilot holes I drilled in the aft edge didn’t line up with the pre-punched hole I was shooting for. However, I was able to enlarge the pilot hole slightly to get it to line up, and then the final-sizing took care of the problem, leaving a nice round hole in the right place.

Making progress drilling holes
The hole that didn’t line up
Final sizing holes. The bronze colored clecos are final-size holes
More drilling
Finally finished drilling

Canopy drilling

More drilling tonight. I’m going slowly, but so far everything is working out nicely.

Match drilling the side rails takes some care. Because the aluminum rail is pressed up against the Perspex, and there are no pilot holes, the Perspex drill bit doesn’t completely exit the Perspex before contacting the aluminum rail. Switching to a regular drill bit and drilling through the aluminum rail requires drilling through the last few millimeters of Perspex with a regular drill bit, which risks a crack on the backside of the Perspex. I don’t expect to find any issues, but I’ll carefully inspect it when I disassemble in a subsequent step.

The wooden structure inside the cockpit is providing great support for drilling the canopy rails.

I have about a dozen holes remaining to drill on each side

Canopy drilling

Tonight I drilled the first set of holes in the canopy. Everything went well and the holes were as accurate as I could have hoped for.

I made a small sighting tool by bending a piece of aluminum to 90 degrees. I used this to sight a spot on the canopy that was directly over the hole in the underlying frame, then marked the spot with a sharpie. Then I taped it to the side of the hole to help me keep the drill square. Then I lined up the drill on the spot, checked the placement, and drilled the hole.

I used a small angle of aluminum to help locate the hole and keep the drill straight while drilling
Drilling holes
Stopping point for tonight. Next I’ll be drilling some of the holes on the side rails

Ready to drill canopy

Life has gotten busy recently! Tonight I finally finished trimming the canopy, and got everything ready to start drilling the holes.

I used a ratchet strap to hold weight on the front of the canopy, and rigged up some blocks of wood on the inside to backstop the holes being drilled through the side rails.

I plan to start drilling tomorrow, as it’s late and I need to get some sleep tonight.

The braces are for hold a little pressure against the sides when holes are drilled through from the outside. They also aid in keeping the rails straight and level with the sides of the fuselage.
Ratchet strap holds pressure on the front of the canopy snugging down the Perspex
Ready to start drilling, hopefully tomorrow