Finished canopy drilling

Tonight I finished drilling holes in the canopy, and then final-sized all of the holes to #27,

I only had one scary moment, when for some reason one of the pilot holes I drilled in the aft edge didn’t line up with the pre-punched hole I was shooting for. However, I was able to enlarge the pilot hole slightly to get it to line up, and then the final-sizing took care of the problem, leaving a nice round hole in the right place.

Making progress drilling holes
The hole that didn’t line up
Final sizing holes. The bronze colored clecos are final-size holes
More drilling
Finally finished drilling

One thought on “Finished canopy drilling

  1. Well done Neal I’m glad that you got it sorted
    I like your little square for lining up the drill bit
    When drilling through the alloy behind the acrylic you shouldn’t have any problems as long as the acrylic is held firmly against the aluminium

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