Main gear legs

Tonight we installed the main gear legs, and used tank sealant to install the firewall fitting for the cowl flap control.

The gear legs went were relatively easy to install compared with the tail wheel difficulties. Some grease and some gentle force were enough to insert both gear legs. Using drift pins we located the holes, then reamed the single bolt holes in both legs. With that done, caps were installed with silicon, and then the firewall fitting was installed.

I don’t have the right length bolts to install the Beringer wheels at the moment, so we are stalled on next steps.

Using drift pins to locate the right gear leg, before clamping and reaming the hole
End caps that are glued to the engine mount with silicone. A small gap in the silicone bead is left to allow airflow
Both gear legs installed
Firewall fitting that will support the cowl flap control and throttle cable