Radio stack – Autopilot

Tonight I worked on installing the autopilot module in the center radio stack. I noticed an issue with the panel which I’ll have to address, but otherwise this went ok.

The GA-507 autopilot module will sit at the bottom of the center radio stack, under the GA-750. It has a rack that fits nicely inside the center stack, with two screw attach points on each side. Most of the work was to make a doubler plate with nut plates, and to line up the holes correctly. After some fiddling and experimenting I had a solution that seemed to work well.

The issue was with the left-hand most switch location. It is too close to the edge of the panel, and contacts the rib, pushing the center panel out of alignment. I emailed David who made the panel cutouts and I hope he can make a new plate with the hole moved over slightly.

It was cool to see the autopilot panel installed, the buttons and knobs have a great solid feel to them.

The go-around switch is too close to the edge of the panel, contacting the rib and pushing things out of alignment. David is remaking the center panel and will ship a new one
Taking the switch out allowed me to continue working for now
The autopilot rack temporarily taped into position so I can locate the screw holes
Once I had the rack screwed into position, I could install the autopilot panel
One of the backing plates with nut plates

One thought on “Radio stack – Autopilot

  1. Neal the standby battery switch must also be close to the other side
    When the new panel is made they could also move that in a little or the same amount then even up the spacing of the switchs

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