GPS and NAV cables

Tonight I routed three GPS & XM antenna cables, and the NAV antenna cable through the fuselage, installed, tested, and connected the BNC and TNC fittings.

I started with the GA-35 antenna cable which connects to the back of the G750. I also installed snap bushings in the tunnel where I plan to run these cables and the pitot static lines. To avoid interference, I am routing the GPS cables on one side of the tunnel, and the ADSB, NAV, and COM antenna cables on the other side. This should help minimize interference with the GPS and satellite signals.

Next I ran the two cables connecting the GDL-51 antenna. One connection goes to the satellite receiver, and the other to the back of the G3X display unit.

Then I ran a length of cable for the NAV antenna from the back of the G750, down the tunnel, under the passenger seat, and near the edge of three fuselage. I plan to install a bulkhead BNC connector on the outermost rib, which will (hopefully) make for an easy connection after the wings go on.

XM input
GPS and XM on the left and ADSB on the right
The current mess of cables in the tail section. This will all get tidied up
Nav cable under the passenger seat