Cowling Fitting

Today my Dad and I worked on fitting the cowling.

The first step was getting the top cowl firewall attach hinges to fit nicely. The instructions call for filing the corners of the eyelets on the firewall to allow the cowl-side eyelets to fit nicely in the area where the hinge curves from the top to the side. Then some fluting is needed on the cowl side to ensure a consistent curvature.

With a nice alignment of hinges, we moved onto trimming the cowling. There is a scribe line that shows where the cuts should be made, but it’s important to go through an iterative process of fitting and adjusting, since the scribe line is more of a guide, and certainly not exact. The cowling went on and off many times while dad carefully trimmed away to get a perfect fit.

The prop needs to go on before we can finalize the fitting of the cowling, but the majority of the trimming work was completed today.

Dad filing the edges of the hinge eyelets
The fluting is visible here on the cowling side of the hinge. Also visible are the rounded edges of the firewall-side hinge eyelets
The initial set of cuts being made to remove excess material. We used a diamond hacksaw blade for most of the cuts, and a hacksaw blade for the tight corners
Marking the scribe lines with a sharpie to make the trimming process easier
Cutouts for the gear legs visible
The two halves being test-fit