Snorkel fitting

With the fuel controller in place, I was able to test fit the snorkel. Unfortunately I ran into an interference issue, but after some further investigation I found this is a known issue. I ordered a new oil return line for the #2 cylinder from Aircraft Specialty, as they have solved the problem by making a custom tube that doesn’t protrude as far forward. Kit #13 from their firewall forward hose kits:

I also heard back from Airflow Performance, and they sent a doc that has some useful RV-14-specific install info, and confirmed I needed to order a gasket. $2 gasket, and $10 of shipping, it should be here in a couple of days.

The snorkel resting in position as an initial test
The interference issue with the oil return line. The snorkel needs to move aft about 1/4 inch to line up. Rather than restricting the oil flow by modifying the fibreglsss, a new oil return line solves the problem.
Some people have reported interference with the starter solenoid, will have to see how it goes once this is in it’s final location