Cooling Flap

With the oil cooler in place, and the cowling holes drilled, I was able to final install the cooling flap, and hook up the control cable.

I found the screws and mounted the cooling flap assembly to the bottom of the fuselage. In the process I noticed a series of 4 pre-drilled holes in the bottom of the fuselage that I’ll need to investigate and probably fill. Two of them look like a spare antenna mount, and the other two could be drain holes.

Once the flap was in position I hooked up the control. It was a little fiddly to get it just right, but in the end it worked out ok. The flap closes and leaves a small cushion gap per the plans, and it operates very smoothly.

After I finished I noticed that the plans call for washes under the screws that hold the cooling flap in position. They aren’t mentioned earlier in the plans when initially test fitting the cooling flap assembly, so I hadn’t noticed them at first. I’ll have to find the washes and install them later.

Cooling flap assembly installed and taped down at the back end
Threading the control cable through the drilled bolt that acts as the pivot point for the flap door control
Cushion gap on the control
Control fully retarded to open the flap
Flap fully deployed
End of the cable after setting the length and bending and trimming the control cable
Safety wire over this clamp