Built wing stand

Since my Quickbuild wings and fuse are due for delivery in the next couple of weeks, I decided it was time to build the wing stand. Earlier this month another builder had given me plans for a wing stand that he built. It looked pretty good to me, so I took a trip to Home Depot and picked up supplies. The line to get inside was long due to Covid social distancing rules, but once inside I found everything I needed. I’m not sure who to credit for the plans, oh well.

Wing stand design

The plans came with a cut schedule, so once I had the timber cut, it was easy to see how it went together.

All cuts complete
Starting to frame it up
Glueing and screwing frame together
Not sure how much the wings will weigh, and how that weight will be distributed, but the carpet sling at the outboard end supports my weight

One thought on “Built wing stand

  1. Looks good Neal similar to the idea that I had, better with the two wings together and on wheels makes it easy to move around

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