Sanding microballoons

Tonight I sanded down the microballoons that are filling the void at the front of the windscreen. I found a couple of low spots, so I filled those with another round of epoxy and microballoons.

Canopy fairing

Tonight I started the canopy fairing by mixing up some micro balloons and filling the void that is formed at the front edge of the canopy where it meets the forward canopy skin.

I added some black pigment to the resin to darken the mixture, as it will be partially visible from the inside.

The process was pretty straightforward. I first cleaned the entire area with isopropyl alcohol, then applied the mixture. I smoothed the mixture using a crafting stick, and left it to set overnight.

Canopy clips

Today I finished installing the canopy clips. At first I thought 3 would be plenty, but as I installed the clips, the canopy/skin gap shifted around necessitating more clips. I ended up with 7 installed, and an nice tight contact all the way around the front of the canopy.

One of the canopy clips installed
Several of the clips are visible in this picture

Canopy clips

Yesterday I moved the canopy back onto the fuselage, closed and locked it, attached a ratchet strap, and tightened up the fasteners along each side. Doing it myself, I had to attach an extension to my socket set handle so I could bold the nuts and use the screw driver at the same time.

Tonight I worked on the canopy clips, dimpling, cutting, trimming the canopy and then match drilling holes. It’s getting late so I’ll finish up the clips tomorrow.

Canopy attached to the fuselage with fasteners tightened.
Ready to rivet this clip into position (tomorrow)

Canopy hinge covers

Tonight I countersunk and riveted the wear strips, then made and test-fit the canopy hinge covers.

The hinge covers needed some minor adjustment to fit. I needed to file the edges of the F-01455C seal angles to allow the hinge covers to slide past with no interference. Mostly it was removing pro seal that had bulged into the gap, then maybe half a mm off one side.

The left side canopy wear strip installed
Canopy hinge cover and the slot it will occupy once installed. There are more steps to manufacture the cover, including a retaining clip. Then final installation doesn’t happen until the canopy is installed for the final time. These are designed to pop off if an unplanned canopy jettison is needed
Sitting in place over the hinge

Aft canopy seal retainers and wear strips

Tonight I painted the rear canopy seal, seal retainers. Then I installed the screws and hardware along the back edge of the canopy.

I then fabricated the canopy wear strips and match drilled to the canopy side rails.

I had forgotten to dimple the last two holes on the canopy side skins, but luckily the underlying canopy rail had been countersunk (thanks Dad!), so I could easily dimple the skin in place using my hand squeezer.

Instead of turning the canopy inside down to install the seal retainers, per the instructions, I taped the washers onto the screws. This seemed to work fine, and saved the hassle of trying to flip the canopy over by myself late at night while all my helpers are sleeping
With the tape removed, and the fasteners across the top (zone 1) torqued
The canopy wear strip cleoed into position. These just need countersinking then I can rivet in place.

Canopy handles and seals

Today I finished riveting the canopy side skins, including the handles. Then I found the aft canopy seal, marked out and cut the notches.

I primed the canopy seal straps, then laid them on top of the seal, marking out the location of each hole, where a canopy attach screw will pass through the seal. With the holes marked, I used a leather punch and a craft knife to cut out the areas where screws will pass through the seal. Sounds more complicated than it is, and everything went smoothly.

Canopy handle riveted on
I had to clamp the seal down with the seal strap on top to keep it from moving. The seal had been cooked in a bag for 18 months and keeps springing back into a coil
Marking the holes to be cut on the seal
The cutouts on the trailing edge of the seal

Riveting canopy side skins

Tonight I completed most of the riveting for the canopy side skins. The angles got a little awkward a few times, and I made a couple of mistakes where the bucking bar moved off the rivet head. I’ll go back and fix those tomorrow, and then rivet on the handles.

Right side, rivets set
Inside on the left. a couple of rivets to replace tomorrow. Note the wiring, I ran this before riveting on the side skins to avoid needing to fish the wires through later

Riveting canopy side skins

Tonight I loosely installed the hardware along the canopy side skins, then started riveting the side skins.

No great surprises here. It took some fiddling around to get my rivet squeezer oriented in a way that I could squeeze the rivets. I only had time to set 8 rivets in the end, but it should be quicker now that I’ve dialed things in.

Setting the first few rivets on the side skins
Hardware attached (loosely), and riveting has started.

Canopy fairing

Tonight I marked out the forward and aft canopy fairing lines and applied tape to form the edge and protect the areas adjacent to the fairing. This involves a combination of measuring and using some templates. The next step is to remove material from the forward edge of the canopy, reducing the profile of the fairing. Then scuffing the area where the fairing needs to adhere to both the forward skin and the canopy.

Using templates to trace the forward edge of the canopy fairing
Checking to see if more material is needed to be removed from the edge of the canopy
Scuffing the surface between the forward and aft edges of the canopy fairing