Fuel pump, fuel lines

Tonight I reinstalled the NPT fittings into the wing tank using Loctite 565. I also reinstalled the fuel filter and pump, securing the NPT threaded fitting with Loctite 565. I completed the torquing of the flexible fuel line at the pump end, leaving the firewall fitting end finger tight. Once I have installed the elbow fitting onto the firewall, I’ll torque that end. I torqued the nuts on the outboard elbow fittings, setting those to 120 inch pounds, after finding that value on VAF. Then I installed the fuel line between the selector valve and the pump, and final torquing those fittings.

I also final torqued the bolts on the aileron torque tubes in the wing root area.

Loctite 565
Loctite 565 on the fuel tank plug
Loctite 565 on the fuel strainer
Torqued the flared fitting between fuel pump and firewall
Final torqued this nut to 120 inch pounds, on both sides of the fuselage
Torque tube bolts torqued and torque sealed
Fuel pump installed, along with the fuel line connecting to the selector valve

Fuel lines

Tonight I secured the fuel lines between the wing root and fuel selector valve.

I installed and torqued the bolts holding the plastic fuel line clips.

The bolts have a Philips head, which made torquing the bolts a little difficult

I also made a realization that I have used the wrong product on the NPT fittings; fuel filter, fuel strainers, and fuel tank drains and plugs. To address the issues, I removed all the fittings and cleaned all the threads with acetone to remove the fuel lube I had mistakenly used. I have ordered some Loctite 565 which I will use in it’s place.

Fuel selector value

Tonight I installed the fuel selector valve.

The valve outlets need to be oriented correctly, then screwed down using Loctite 648, according to Andair’s directions.

With that done, I installed the value into the cockpit, and then torqued up the flared fittings on the aft end of the valve.

Installing screws, and securing with Loctite 648
The value screwed into position, finger tight attached to the tanks lines
The crows foot configuration I had to use to torque the flared fittings.
Because of the difficult access, I followed “Alternate tightening method 2”, and marked the flats against the tubes, then rotated each a quarter turn to fully tighten.

Right wing bottom skin

Today I spent some time riveting the bottom right skin. I was able to rivet all then way up to the j-channel. So far it has been straight forward and no issues, but I suspect it will become increasingly challenging as I get closer to the main spar.

I slipped in the j-channel, making sure to go between the inboard j-channel and the skin, and then clecoed it into position. I then checked the clearance between the j-channel and the rib cut outs, and everything looked good.

The duct tape straps are to hold the skin away from the ribs to allow easier access to buck rivets. I need to remember to take out the padding on the spa soon, else it will be stuck there forever!
Clearance between the j-channel and one of the ribs. Because the j-channel was match drilled there’s a chance that the alignment could be off. This one looks great on all ribs.

Right bottom skin riveting

Today I made a start riveting the right bottom skin onto the right wing.

It want easier than I thought, perhaps because I’ve done it before on my previous set of wings. I didn’t finish the job, and expect it will take a number of sessions to get this set done.

Tape to hold the skin off the ribs and allow arms to reach up inside

Left wing bottom skin

Today I clecoed the old left wing bottom skin to the new one, marked out the pitot tube mast mount holes, and then drilled them all. I also made a start of cutting out the mast hole, but didn’t finish that step.

I previously decided to replace the left bottom skin. On my first pair of QB wings, I had riveted on most of the left skin before deciding to replace the wings due to faulty primer. Because I had painstakingly positioned the pitot tube mast mount holes on the old skin, I drilled out all of the rivets and removed the skin before sending the wings back to Vans. I couldn’t reuse the skin because too many of the holes were enlarged.

Drilled j-channel

On the right wing, I match drilled the three holes into the j-channel stiffeners on the bottom skin. These three holes are where the two lengths of channel overlap, and they need match drilling.

Nothing much to report, I had to install and remove the skin to mark the hole positions, and didn’t encounter any issues.

Once the holes were drilled, I deburred and dimpled them.

Right wing wiring

I spent time securing the right wing wiring today. Zip ties along the length, and some RTV in some places to help secure everything and keep it from rattling around in places where the wiring bundle was loose within the snap-bushings.

Autopilot roll servo

Today I installed the autopilot roll servo. Having done this on the previous set of wings, this went quickly. I also installed the bell crank, the adel clamps, and torqued all the bolts.

Installed and wired up
Install finished except for wiring tidy up.