Fairing sanding

Tonight I sanded the micro balloons I had applied a couple of days ago. It’s helping build up the low spots and evening out the surface of the fairing.

After I was done sanding, I applied some more micro balloons to fill in some more low spots. After I sand this latest round, it should be getting close to final shape.

After cleaning with alcohol, the low spots are easy to see.

Sanding canopy fairing

With the resin cured, I sanded the fiberglass fairing to a smooth and even surface. There are definitely low spots that need to be filled, and I don’t want to sand any further through the fiberglass layers so, it’s time to fill it with micro balloons.


Today I got up very early and did the fiberglassing work. I had prepared last night by getting everything ready and watching the vans videos one more time.

Everything went fairly smoothly and I was happy with how it turned out. I used all but one of the thinnest pieces of glass to make the shape. I added a few pieces to build up a couple of low spots across the center. The radius looked very close in the end, and I’m hopeful it will turn out well.

The whole set of steps took just under 4 hours. One error I know I made was placing the masking tape on the forward side, too close to the edge. The first layer of glass was wider than necessary, and overlapped the masking tape. The masking tape is sitting on top of electrical tape which defines the forward edge. I think it will be ok, as the whole forward edge gets sanded away to a feathered edge anyway, so I will just have more sanding to do than I otherwise would have.

The initial layer with tinted resin
Several layers latter, almost done
Almost final
With the peel ply attached, waiting to set

Fiberglass pieces

Today I cut out all of the fiberglass pieces per the plans. Then I cleaned the surface where the layup will go, with the isopropyl alcohol.

I used a pizza cutter, but probably should have gotten a fabric cutting knife instead. The pizza cutter worked ok, if you put significant down force on it while rolling.

Cutting strips of fiberglass
Clean surface

Fiberglass templates

I didn’t have much time today (or this past week), but I was able to fabricate a Redius Gauge template, and cut out the paper templates for the fiberglass sheets.

I also received some Dacron tape “ply peel” to use on the next steps.

Radius gauge for the canopy fairing
The paper templates, plus rotisserie-cutter and fiberglass cloth


Tonight I sanded down the second round of microballoons and ended up with a decent result. I then cleaned the area with isopropyl alcohol.

I used more pigment than with the first round, so I’ve ended up with a two-tone color in a couple of places. Hopefully nothing that will be visible when it’s all said and done.

Sanding microballoons

Tonight I sanded down the microballoons that are filling the void at the front of the windscreen. I found a couple of low spots, so I filled those with another round of epoxy and microballoons.

Canopy fairing

Tonight I started the canopy fairing by mixing up some micro balloons and filling the void that is formed at the front edge of the canopy where it meets the forward canopy skin.

I added some black pigment to the resin to darken the mixture, as it will be partially visible from the inside.

The process was pretty straightforward. I first cleaned the entire area with isopropyl alcohol, then applied the mixture. I smoothed the mixture using a crafting stick, and left it to set overnight.

Canopy clips

Today I finished installing the canopy clips. At first I thought 3 would be plenty, but as I installed the clips, the canopy/skin gap shifted around necessitating more clips. I ended up with 7 installed, and an nice tight contact all the way around the front of the canopy.

One of the canopy clips installed
Several of the clips are visible in this picture