Finish Kit Inventory

Yesterday the finish kit crate was delivered by the shipping company. Tonight I started working on inventory, and slowly checked off the assorted items.

The crate arrived without any damage, and I put it onto the dolly I had made for the QB fuselage. It’s 4×8 feet, and the crate is about 4×6 feet, and maybe 3 feet tall.

I opened up the crate and began removing cardboard and paper. The parts were well packed and undamaged. I pulled out a huge amount of packing paper, being careful to check for parts as I went. The canopy is the first obvious part in the box, and carefully positioned under the canopy is the engine cowling, and under that some cardboard boxes with heavier steel parts. In the other end of the crate, carefully secured, is the engine mount and gear legs. On top of the engine mount, and stacked around it all are various aluminum and fiberglass parts.

Tonight I started inventorying all the parts, which is a painstaking, but interesting, task. I hardly made a dent on the parts lists, but hope to finish it up tomorrow If I can.

The crate fit comfortably on this 4×8 foot dolly
The crate is well packed with a tremendous amount of packing paper and cardboard
Couldn’t resist placing the canopy in position
Lots of fiberglass fairings
Under the canopy, the engine cowling.
Buried deep in crate is the engine mount
The inventory process begins