Snorkel fitting

With the fuel controller in place, I was able to test fit the snorkel. Unfortunately I ran into an interference issue, but after some further investigation I found this is a known issue. I ordered a new oil return line for the #2 cylinder from Aircraft Specialty, as they have solved the problem by making a custom tube that doesn’t protrude as far forward. Kit #13 from their firewall forward hose kits:

I also heard back from Airflow Performance, and they sent a doc that has some useful RV-14-specific install info, and confirmed I needed to order a gasket. $2 gasket, and $10 of shipping, it should be here in a couple of days.

The snorkel resting in position as an initial test
The interference issue with the oil return line. The snorkel needs to move aft about 1/4 inch to line up. Rather than restricting the oil flow by modifying the fibreglsss, a new oil return line solves the problem.
Some people have reported interference with the starter solenoid, will have to see how it goes once this is in it’s final location

Fuel controller

Tonight I unpacked the fuel controller and installed it on the engine. This required some research, as there isn’t any documentation from the Lycoming or Airflow Performance in the box. I found some help on Vansairforce, and was able to find the Airflow Performance manual. I ended up emailing them anyway, because I don’t have a gasket in the box.

For now I installed the unit using the temporary nuts to hold it in place, so I can test fit the snorkel.

Cover plate as-shipped from Lycoming
Cover plate and seal removed
Fuel control unit
Installed on the engine, temporary