Finished gap fairings

Tonight I surprised myself by finishing the right wing gap fairings. It was much faster on the second wing, probably because I streamlined my process and moved more quickly through the riveting.

No issues to report, this was a mirror image of the left wing.

Needed to open the garage door to have sufficient access. Luckily it’s a warm and bug-free environment.
Gap fairings installed

Gap fairing riveting

Tonight I completed the left wing aileron and flag gap fairing riveting. I hand squeezed all of the rivets. The only place I did anything differently from the plans was the most inboard rear spar rivet on the aileron fairing, where I used a cherrymax pop rivet instead of a solid rivet. I used a 4-2 cherry max because the clearance on the forward side of the spar was so small, I wouldn’t have been able to safely buck the rivet.

The aileron fairing done, except for the last rivet which I swapped for a 4-2 cherrymax
Close up of the cherry max rivet
Working on the left wing flap gap fairing with the hand squeezer
Left wing fairings installed

Flap gap riveting

Tonight I clecoed on and started riveting the flap and aileron gap fairings, on the left wing. I only had an hour in the garage so I didn’t come close to finishing the riveting, but I made a start.

Left wing aileron gap fairing clecoed into place on the left wing.

Wing dimpling

Tonight I dimpled the aft-most rows of holes in the wing top skins where the gap fairings will attach. I also riveted the stiffeners to the gap fairings, and installed the access port doubler on the left wing.

Dimpled the indicated row on each wing. The gap fairing will be riveted to these holes, and to the vacant row of holes on the spar to the bottom right of the picture
I don’t have the plate nuts for this doubler yet (waiting on Vans), but I decided to attach it to the wing anyway. I should be able to get the plate nuts on, once they arrive, without any issues
Clecoing the stiffeners to the gap fairings before riveting them

Primed parts

Tonight I primed the flap gap fairings, landing light brackets, and the access panel doubler for the left wing.

It took me a while to get set up again, since it’s the first time I’ve spray painted since moving last year. I had to go buy some purified water, and just finding all the stuff I needed took a while. Everything came out looking ok.

Just finished etching, setting the parts out to be painted.

Dimpling flap and aileron gap fairings

After a week being out of action with a flu and cold, I was able to spend an hour or so in the garage tonight. I deburred and dimpled the gap fairings for both wings, then dimpled the holes. I’m hoping to get a chance to prime a bunch of parts tomorrow, so I can start riveting things onto the wings.