I shaped the left elevator trailing edge end, drilled the left elevator close out tabs, then drilled the remaining holes around the inboard rib.
I spent some time setting up my belt sander, which I had bought months ago but hasn’t really needed until now. I tested it out on some blocks of wood and some scrap aluminum before using it to shape the outboard end of the trailing edge wedge. It was a bit of trial and error to shape this piece, and to be honest I’m not convinced I’ve got it exactly right. There will be a notch cut out of the back of the fairing, and until I do that step (months from now), it’ll be hard to know if I have this exactly right. Eventually I decided it was good, and moved on.
To help align the close out flange holes, one of the foam ribs is temporarily taped into position behind the flanges. I left a small gap so I wouldn’t drill into the foam block. With the trailing edge wedge in position, and all of this clecoed shut I drilled the three holes with a sharp new drill bit.
Shot of the three holes after drilling. Not sure why I bothered putting the third cleco in after it was drilled, but anyway. I used a clamp to gentry press the skins against the foam rib while drilling. I think it worked out nicely.
It felt great to cleco on the elevator horn and final drill this piece. With this in position, the whole left elevator was assembled, and it looked great.
The next step is to debur all of the parts and start dimpling and countersinking. So after admiring the left elevator for a minute, I disassembled everything and started deburring parts. Deburring seems to be one of the most time consuming tasks, especially when there are complex parts with a lot of corners. But it’s a good chance to really “get to know” the pieces, exploring every edge, surface and hole. At the end of each session I notice my fingers often have shallow cuts from running my fingers over edges. I never notice them in the garage while working. It’s rewarding to feel a nice smooth edge when the part is done, and like all of these tasks, it is becoming easier and faster.