Finished Aileron Trim bracket

With my new drill bits in hand, I finished up the Aileron Trim bracket tonight.

Aileron trim ready for installation

Last night I bench tested my landing lights and found one of the LEDs wasn’t working. I took the time to check all the other LEDs (Nav, strobe, taxi, and spot-lights), and everything else worked well. Some very bright lights!

There should be three lights illuminated in this pic, but the right hand one is not working
Testing one of the left hand wing tip light panels. First the strobes, then the Nav lights

I disassembled the landing lights and contacted Paul at FlyLEDs for some help.

Lens removed, here is the faulty landing light board. Heat sinks still glued in place, I later removed them before sending to FlyBoy Accessories for servicing

Aileron Trim Bracket

Last night I primed a few small parts and tonight I assembled the Alieron Trim bracket. Once again I was stuck when I realized I didn’t have the right size drill bits to finish the job. I finally pulled the trigger on a set of 1-60 drill bits so I shouldn’t have this problem again.

Aileron trim bracket
With servo installed, location marked on the cover plate

Aileron Trim

I’ve been struggling to make much progress recently, as I keep running into decisions that require research, and often ordering new parts and/or tools. Tonight I started on the Aileron Trim servo mount, as this arrived recently from Vans.

Aileron trim bracket