Fitting the Rear Window

Over the course of the last week my Dad and I installed the rear window. There is some trimming to do first, which we did with a jig saw and a diamond blade. This was a good setup as it was accurate, square and it melted nicely through the material. With the notes cut, then filed and scraped to final dimensions, the process of drilling the canopy starts. With one person holding a black of wood to back up the Perspex, and the other one drilling, we were able to drill all of the holes without trouble. The forward edge is a little different, as the drill needs to be lined up and square to drill through into the roll bar. The holes are the final sized and tapped. My dad did an excellent job and the finished window fits perfectly!

Seat backs

My Dad and I worked on the seat backs, with Dad doing all of the work, except for spray painting the primer, and setting a few rivets that required the gun and bucking bar. They didn’t all turn out well; at times the piece vibrated in the vice and caused the gun to skip, leaving with a smiley face. I’m not too worried as the seats will be painted and have cushions covering them.

Rudder fairings

Much like the VS, my Dad helped install the rudder fairings. The rudder came out looking great, with the light installed and some wiring and a molex connector installed too.

Vertical Stab Fairing

With my Dad in town, it was great to get his expert advice and handiwork with the firbreglass fairings. Being a boat builder back in New Zealand, my Dad has a lifetime of skill and experience working with all kinds of things including fiberglass. He’s a master at the stuff, so he went to work on the rudder and vertical stabilizer fairings.

The VS fairing needs an insert of glass on the aft edge and Dad made quick work of getting it made up and glassed in. the only real challenge was getting the fairing square. The piece is molded in two half’s then glued together, but there seems to be some slight misalignment of the halves casing it to be slightly lopsided. Dad got it pretty straight, so it looks awesome.

Canopy Frame

Since the end of November, I’ve been working on the canopy frame. After debuting and priming everything, I spent time carefully following the steps called out in the plans. There is some fluting required that helps shape the substructure and allowing it to sit flush against the skin. Everything has gone well so far, and the frame seems to be coming together quite easily. Some of the steps in the plans appear out of order, but I’m doing the best I can to follow along.

Propeller Delivery

Today the propeller was delivered! It looks to be in good shape, so I moved the box inside and stored it up out of the way. I’ll hold off opening the box until I’m closer to installing it. With the amount of salt in the air here (not crazy, but still some) I’d rather keep it reasonably picked in the box vs. taking it out and exposing it to the elements.

Installing roll bar

Tonight I finished the roll bar install by riveting the last few rivets between the roll bar brace and the bulkhead, and the few remaining side skin rivets. For the rollbar to bulkhead rivets, I rolled the fuselage upside down and worked inside the cockpit. It’s so great being able to rotate it around freely, it makes working in the cockpit so much easier.

Installing roll bar

Tonight I installed the roll bar on the fuselage. The bar fit surprisingly well, it just slipped on like a perfectly-fitting shoe. I did have some alignment challenges on the right side, but after some fiddling around and using alignment tools, I was able to get it all to work. I riveted everything except a few rivets where the brace joins the bulkhead. I’ll get those with the rivet gun tomorrow when it’s not so late at night.

All was well until the very last river. It was getting late and I was hurrying to get to bed, and made a bad call. I was setting the last cherrymax rivet that held my fix in place, and the rivet was slightly misaligned. For some reason I thought it would straighten out, and I set the rivet on an angle. Instead of being flush with the top of the rollbar, the manufactured head was at an angle, with one edge protruding up. If it wasn’t a cherrymax, I would certainly drill it out and replace, but that’s so hard to do with a cherrymax. I decided to leave as-is and will use some filler to smooth out the surface. Super frustrating mistake after everything had gone so well.